In the first episode of this series, Dmitry and his guest Suz Hinton introduce Windows IoT Core as a way of building applications for IoT solutions. We cover some foundational topics such as how Windows IoT works, and what it is designed for. We’ll also discuss how Windows IoT applications are developed, and how they differ from regular Universal Windows Platform applications.
Featuring a brief introduction to breadboards and the Rasberry Pi, we set the scene for writing your first Windows IoT Core UWP application, detailed in the second episode of this series.
Windows IoT Core Overview https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/windows-iot-core
How breadboards work https://learn.adafruit.com/breadboards-for-beginners/introduction
How to install Windows IoT Core on your Raspberry Pi https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/iot-core/tutorials/quickstarter/devicesetup
Related Post:
- Windows IoT #1: Basics Windows IoT introduction before you start coding (Getting Started Series)
- Windows IoT #4: Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central Integration for Windows IoT (Getting Started Series)
- Getting started with Windows IoT Episode #4: Azure IoT Hub and IoT Central Integration
- Windows IoT #6: Taking your Windows IoT Core Smart Device Further (Getting Started Series)
- Getting started with Windows IoT Episode #2: Creating, running and debugging with Pi hardware
- Windows IoT #5: Using Device Methods with IoT Hub (Getting Started Series)
- Getting Started – Windows 10 IoT Core + Raspberry Pi 3
- Windows IoT #3: Building C# Drivers, sensors & Nuget Packages using VS (Getting Started Series)
- Installing Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 3 | Raspberry Pi Windows OS | IoT Training | Edureka
- Getting Started with Modbus IoT