How Bitcoin is different than gold: an offshore response to Peter Thiel

How Bitcoin is different than gold: an offshore response to Peter Thiel

Bitcoin is different than gold, even though right now there are many claims that cryptocurrency is, in fact, digital form of this precious metal.

However, things aren’t that black and white in this situation, which is why it’s important to make and understand this distinction.

Andrew is here to share some general advice on the topic to help you create best set of rules for yourself within the legal framework.

When you’re a US citizen, and you have gold or real estate overseas, they are not reportable.

On the other hand, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are posing some difficulty when it comes to where and how you’re supposed to report them.

But, if you want to make use of your crypto wealth, your best shot is to keep it all as clean as possible.

In Andrew’s opinion, cryptocurrency, compared to gold, actually offers less privacy as the tax laws and regulations are becoming
more concrete.

US government won’t be overly friendly toward cryptocurrency holders, and I talk about it in this video:

To learn more about cryptocurrency from an offshore perspective, subscribe to our channel to get more fresh information on the subject.


Andrew Henderson travels to nearly 30 countries every year to stay up to date on the latest legal strategies for entrepreneurs and investors to pay less tax, grow their money faster, and build their personal freedom.

Andrew started Nomad Capitalist to help people like you follow his five magic words: “go where you’re treated best”. He has personally started foreign companies, opened offshore bank accounts, and obtained multiple second passports.

He also learned the hard way that perpetual information seeking is often the biggest barrier to getting the results you want. Many entrepreneurs spend months and even years constantly researching how to pay less in tax or live overseas, but are afraid to make the jump.

As a result, they get stuck and keep paying a fortune in taxes and never get the lifestyle they deserve.

Nomad Capitalist’s Youtube channel is based on Andrew’s vision that focusing on the end result, rather than the latest shiny object, is the best way to actually obtain the benefits of the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

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