A follow up to “Roger Ver’s Thoughts on 15th November Bitcoin Cash Upgrade”
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is scheduled for it’s bi-annual network upgrade, but for the first time, it will be contentious, causing chaos. The message is a call for leadership, peace and closure after explaining exactly what is on the chess board.
Kurt explains:
The major implementations: Bitcoin ABC, Bitcoin Unlimited and Bitcoin SV.
The major miners: Bitmain, Bitcoin.com, CoinGeek, SVPool, and their respective allies.
The major players: Amaury Sechet, Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre and Craig S Wright.
Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC have formed coalitions and there will be “hash war” to decide the BCH chain via “Nakamoto Consensus” between forks. One will be orphaned, and the other will be Bitcoin Cash, but there are long implications to all possible outcomes that can echo across to other blockchains. In fact, there’s a possibility that this could be the beginning of Operation DragonSlayer.
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