Litecoin miner Scrypt Coin Miner Rig build Nvidia 750ti

Litecoin miner Scrypt Coin Miner Rig build Nvidia 750ti

Litecoin miner Scrypt Coin Miner Rig build Nvidia 750ti
This video explains the hardware I will be using to build a scrypt mining rig for Litecoin mining. This mining rig has 5 Nvidia Geforce 750 ti PCI-x video cards. This version of mining is different then bitcoin mining as its completely different hardware.
If you would like to build you a cyrpto coin miner please email me or check out our site.
Office phone number 321-332-0710
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BTC 1EE6GQ6rDFf8EUmzEtbbHqnEoMMeLucQra
LTC LLLuba9NUG9o33DFADpTEvj7ukY3PtDcwk
Thanks so much for your support and time.
All the best,

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