This is a brief overview of some of the privacy technology used by different cryptocurrencies. It is by no means extensive, but should help to get your feet wet. Links to articles below for more info on the subject.
?Table of Contents:
◆ 00:08 Intro
◆ 01:14 Privacy Coins 101
◆ 01:21 Non-Private Cryptocurrencies
◆ 05:02 Monero, Verge, Electroneum
◆ 07:06 Zcash, Zencash, Bitcoin Private
◆ 08:46 Dash, Luxcoin, FolmCoin
◆ 11:25 Final Thoughts
⭐More on Privacy Coins:
?Bitcoin vs. Monero: https://www.monero.how/how-does-monero-work-details-in-plain-english
?Dash (Private Send): https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/1146924/PrivateSend
?LuxCore (Stealth Address): https://medium.com/@attiudeprince/luxcore-a-faster-more-profitable-more-secure-and-private-transaction-solution-for-everyone-5bc0cccbe099
?ZK-SNARKS (Zero-Knowledge): https://z.cash/technology/zksnarks.html
?Support me on Patreon: https://goo.gl/wmY9D2
?A special thanks to my Patreons:
◆Robert Savilonis (since Feb. 2018)
◆Jon Biggs (since Feb. 2018)
◆Milko Medero (since Mar. 2018)
◆Carl Birchenough (since Mar. 2018)
???? Social:
◆ Discord: https://goo.gl/v2wRbF
⛏MiningPoolHub: https://goo.gl/PbTw6J
?Awesome Miner: https://goo.gl/4u1WVc
?Mining Tutorial: https://goo.gl/4Zgb4d
?CoinBase: https://goo.gl/wB6Z7h
?CoinTracker.info: https://goo.gl/xHWVei
?Tips/Donations Graciously Accepted:
◆BTC: 1JhgmwdQ4SLjPVbvKKHg2NyRrQUmFkZMwz
◆BTCP: b1NDj9GifnJwAD4DfSHZmjLvakTYmBcGC1h
◆ETH: 0x1B06d92E01b33E20461a7eD379641877bb53AB20
◆ETN: etnk1VBUHGA4RHxUPmc3Q43UaaoRvfero6USYBiZejkDSsvx42nBmtZAoKnux3WN7pd38qHsxVse6XQLRa4YfnmdA75CY1SB72
◆LTC: LdtBYEPS3xzV1iMNaeeQ6maTGX3KcxrTaR
◆LUX: LV4eCbd8f4j1y6VxHd9VPMs82mu6Zam8XG
◆RVN: RWFU9V8X8yuVpNCACwqzDSuV3opc97dTgc
?Music from audioblocks.com: http://audioblocks.refr.cc/ZFW24KF
?Please like this video if you find it helpful; leave comments below to tell me what you think. Thanks! Happy investing and God bless.
?Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser. Please do all of your own research. I am not responsible for any damage done to your computer. I am not responsible for decisions you make regarding how you spend your own time or money. I am simply a hobby miner who likes to share knowledge.
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