Well, it turns out that Kiyosaki is predicting a crypto crash that will be so massive that it will destroy dozens of projects and cause some potentially historic decline in the price of Bitcoin.
On June 19th, Robert Kiyosaki tweeted.
“Biggest bubble in the history of the world is getting bigger. The biggest crash is coming. I’m buying gold and silver as I wait for the price of Bitcoin to drop to $24,000. Best time to get rich. Please take care.”
Well, who is Robert Kiyosaki, and why should we even believe him?
Before we answer this. Hi guys, Welcome to the principal investor Channel. Where we talk about everything to do with the current finance world and the stock market. if you’re new here, it would be greatly appreciated if you liked the video and subscribed to our channel, it’s free, and you can always change your mind.
Now, back to our topic of today.
Robert Kiyosaki is a famous author. His book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, was a worldwide sensation, and he is also a businessman and the founder of Rich Dad Global LLC. He also created Rich Dad Company, a private financial company that offers business education and personal finance to people through videos and books.
He is said to be worth more than $100 million, and when it comes to financing, he knows a thing or two. So, probably a good idea to hear what he has to say.
His tweet comes as a shock to many as earlier this year, he had been pretty bullish about crypto. He noted that the increase in money printing by the government, devaluation of the dollar, and excessive stimulus would give Bitcoin a golden ticket. The man even predicted that in April, the price of Bitcoin would surge to 1.2 million dollars.
It is, therefore, difficult to understand his sudden shift instance in the Crypto game and why he is so confident that Bitcoin will crash to $24,000 soon.
Before we dive into this, please note that this is not financial advice, and we are not responsible for any losses or profits you may make after watching this video. The first thing you have to understand about Kiyosaki’s bubble crash prediction is how his mind works.
You see, Kiyosaki is an unorthodox kind of guy who looks at the market differently, and you can tell by some of his entertaining tweets that he loves taking a shot at the conventional system. He has a radical mindset, and he is highly critical of any financial structure.
He does not give a hoot on whether it is centralized or decentralized. But then again, he did mention that a crash could be the silver lining. He says that crashes are the best time to get rich. Well, what does this mean?
You may think that his predictions are all over the place, but if you are paying close attention, you will see that what he is talking about has a consistent theme, and the issue is not a currency but the government.
You will see that he predicted that the crypto crash would cause investors to pull out. This is a classic case of getting out while the going is still good.
For Kiyosaki, investing in Bitcoin couldn’t have come at a perfect time. He is encouraging anyone and everyone to invest now. According to him, currencies like silver and gold or bitcoin are not the issue. the federal government’s response to them is.
Heck, it’s how they handle the money altogether. In previous years, he has talked about how the US dollar has been weakened by irrational financial decisions made by the federal government. He warns that people should purchase more silver and gold and cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
The reason is that, according to him, the way the world is going, there won’t be any reason to print money in the near future, so say goodbye to the fiat system.
Kiyosaki believes that investments in digital currencies could cut down on the government’s operational costs in printing money. No doubt that it is expensive to print money in circulation for more than 300 million Americans.
Once the government accepts this, then cryptocurrencies will rise in value again. that is why he thinks the crash is the perfect time to scale up and invest in the coin.
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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Before making any investment decisions make sure to do your own due diligence and consult with your own financial advisor.
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