Roland Busch: "Tearing down silos and creating with an IoT platform you come to a better system"

Roland Busch: "Tearing down silos and creating with an IoT platform you come to a better system"

Highlights of Roland Busch, Deputy CEO & CTO, Siemens, Keynote at Smart City Expo World Congress 2019.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I will share with you some thoughts on how IoT, the Internet of Things, is going to change cities, and make them smarter for the next generation.”

Making cities smarter is a collaborative work that involves almost everything and everyone. Governance, mobility, energy… all sectors are concerned.

But how do we leverage IoT technologies?

“There are actually two ways how you can do that, and deploy technologies. One is more optimization.”

“Optimization involves analyzing data in a better way. But then there’s a better way in doing that. Is more a disruptive way. And the disruptive way, is all about tearing down silos and creating with an IoT platform, a way how you are communicating and coming to a much much better system.

The combination of the different data which are sitting currently in different silos, and which are not talking to each other at all, is something which we believe is one of the biggest leavers which we have in order to make cities smarter.”

It’s not about the 3 Ps anymore: Public, Private, Partnerships. We need to add Planning and People to the equation. P5.

“From the latest device sitting at the edge, to the cloud, it has to be a holistic approach and to make it secure, robust, and then cities can develop, and IoT can make cities smarter for the next generations.”

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