Tag: アーケードゲーム
DA PUMP『THANX!!!!!!! Neo Best of DA PUMP』発売記念 「THANX!!!!!!! DA PUMP × TOWER RECORDSキャンペーン」開催! DA PUMPの12年9ヶ月ぶりとなるベスト・アルバム発売を記念し、 タワーレコード全店およびTOWERmini、タワーレコード オンラインで「THANX!!!!!!! DA PUMP × TOWER RECORDSキャンペーン」を開催。 現在タワーレコードで開催中である「WINTER SALE 2018」 (tower.jp/winter18)の スペースインベーダーとコラボした「DA PUMP スペシャルコラボポスター」を12月11日(火)よりタワーレコードおよびTOWERmini全店で掲出。 …
Please think about supporting the show by subscribing to the channel or becoming my patron. Thank you so much! http://www.patreon.com/retrocore Email at mes1975jp@gmail.com Facebook - Retro Core BotP Twitter …
Please think about supporting the show by subscribing to the channel or becoming my patron. Thank you so much! http://www.patreon.com/retrocore Email at mes1975jp@gmail.com Facebook - Retro Core BotP Twitter …
So, I've been using this console for over a month now on a daily basis. I've read many stories about it being rubbish. I've had people tell me they …
This video is a follow up to yesterday's published video which can be seen here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VuYtFnz04A After playing the MVS I noticed that even though the back of …
NOTE: During the direct video capture section it sounds as if the audio is peeking out and distorted. This is due to an error on my part during capturing. …