Tag: raspberry pi

Robô Bombeiro, Mozilla IoT, Raspberry de brinde e braço com visão computational – Novidades IoT #8

Novidades sobre o mundo de IoT toda semana. Links dessa semana: ? Robô Bombeiro em Notre Dame Artigo: https://jalopnik.com/meet-colossus-the-french-firefighting-robot-that-helpe-1834089489 ☁ Plataform de IoT da Mozilla Artigo: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/04/introducing-mozilla-webthings/ Documentação: https://iot.mozilla.org …

Iota Smart Cities Webinar #2

This webinar was run in association with the Iota contest on Hackster: https://www.hackster.io/contests/smart-cities-powered-by-iota Technical Webinar recording: https://youtu.be/EZQXYxUTil8 Code example: https://github.com/iota-community/raspberrypi-pubsub Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iYS2HEoqbfz6P-NJVjndCVOAqtOzN4m5S5QM-24STcI/edit#slide=id.p1

Iskra Neo — Arduino Leonardo из России. Железки Амперки

Iskra Neo — доступный эквивалент Arduino Leonardo в цветах Амперки: http://amperka.ru/product/iskra-neo?utm_source=announce&utm_campaign=iskra-neo-2019&utm_medium=youtube Плата построена на восьмибитном микроконтроллере Atmega32u4. USB-контроллер встроен в сам чип. Этим плата отличается от Arduino Uno, где …