TIX & Stichting Gilles de la Tourette – 14 May – Norwegian Residence

TIX & Stichting Gilles de la Tourette – 14 May – Norwegian Residence

On Friday, May 14, the Norwegian Ambassador, in cooperation with the Dutch Gilles de La Tourette Foundation, will invite several young people with Tourette syndrome to his residence. There, they will engage in a conversation with the Norwegian candidate for the Eurovision Song Contest, Andreas Haukeland, via a live stream.

Andreas, better known as TIX has Tourette’s syndrome himself, and was bullied as a child for his tics. He later decided to base his stage name on them.

His contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest, the song “fallen angel”, is also about struggling with depression and leaving tough, dark times behind. In addition to being a musician, Andreas is above all an advocate for mental health awareness. In this way, he wants to engage with Dutch youngsters to talk to them about their condition and to encourage them to embrace themselves.

Live-stream from 11:00

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