This Week on Channel 9, Christina is back after a bout with an ear infection, and ready to talk about the latest developer news, including:
* 0:41 [Microsoft’s Acquisition of GitHub is Complete](https://blog.github.com/2018-10-26-github-and-microsoft/) — check out new CEO Nat Friedman’s blog post for his thoughts.
* 1:05 [IBM to Acquire Red Hat](https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/ibm-acquire-red-hat-completely-changing-cloud-landscape-and-becoming-worlds-1-hybrid-cloud-provider?intcmp=701f2000000RWK2AAO)
* 2:25 [Game Off 2018 Kicks Off](https://blog.github.com/2018-11-01-game-off-2018-theme-announcement/) – the theme is “Hybrid” and you can get more details and sign-up at https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2018
* 2:56 [Windows Community Toolkit v5.0](https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2018/10/31/announcing-windows-community-toolkit-v5-0/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 3:42 [Windows Console Gets Zoom and Dark Theme Scrollbar Support in Latest Windows Insider Release](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2018/10/31/windows-console-ctrl-scroll-to-zoom-and-dark-theme-scrollbar/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 4:19 [The Xamarin Show: Visual Studio for Mac 7.6, 7.7](https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/XamarinShow/Visual-Studio-for-Mac-76–77-Updates/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 4:30 [#FiveThings About SPAs](https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/5-Things/Five-Super-Secret-Special-Services-for-Building-SPAs/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 4:42 [#FiveThings: Five IoT Devices You Should Have Bought Yesterday](https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/5-Things/Five-IoT-Devices-You-Should-Have-Bought-Yesterday/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 5:06 [Tips for Using Azure CLI on macOS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-xUgEl6dcM/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 5:23 [A Quick Tour Around Azure DevOps Projects Using Node.js and AKS](https://www.michaelcrump.net/azure-tips-and-tricks168/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 5:36 [DEVIntersection and Microsoft Azure & AI Conference in Las Vegas](https://www.devintersection.com/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren)
* 5:52 [Ignite: The Tour](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ignite-the-tour/?WT.mc_id=ch9-yt-chwarren) kicks off in Berlin on December 5, 2018
* 6:08 **Christina’s Pick of the Week** [The Quest to Build the Impossible Laptop](https://gizmodo.com/the-quest-to-build-the-impossible-laptop-1830124994)
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