Should you buy the Antminer Z11 or the Innosilicon A9++ to Mine Zcash? Sub to Voskcoin – http://voskco.in/Sub
Checkout Scott Offord a bulk ASIC miner seller & broker – http://voskco.in/Offord
Bitmain Antminer Z11 For Sale – http://voskco.in/Z11cmc
Innosilicon A9++ For Sale – http://voskco.in/A9PPcmc
Bitmain and Innosilicon are competing to release the highest hashpower and most efficient equihash ASIC miners. The cryptocurrency that equihash mining revolves around is Zcash, currently $600,000 Zcash is mined daily. Bitmain has just unveiled the most efficient ZEC ASIC miner, the Antminer Z11. Innosilicon subsequently revealed their recently improved model, the Zmaster A9++. Should you buy the Z11 or A9++ and what are their mining profitabilities? Or perhaps should you buy a used equihash ASIC miner like the Antminer Z9 / Z9 Mini / Inno A9? In todays video I will discuss all of this along with my verdict all while breaking down the history of equihash ASIC mining, the scam that is ASIC Miner CO, and ZEC network hashrate, difficulty, and mining profitability!
00:00 Antminer Z11 vs A9++ intro
00:43 Free Zcash ZEC giveaway
00:54 Who wants to see more Miss Vosk videos?
01:20 Zcash ZEC price, ZEC $ mined daily
01:34 Zcash ProgPoW proposal (GPU+ASIC mining)
01:42 Zooko wants to delay GPU mining rewards 50 weeks
01:51 ProgPoW team ifdefelse fails Zcash ProgPoW proposal
03:01 Bitmain Antminer Z11 miner specs & hashrate
04:07 New Bitmain Antminer Z11 batch for sale, price, ship
04:57 Bitmain Antminer Z11 mining profitability
05:32 Vosk goes full-screen to rant about ASIC mining
07:21 Coin Mining Central Antminer Z11 reseller
08:06 Scott Offord bulk ASIC seller & broker
08:48 ASIC Miner Co is a TOTAL SCAM — BEWARE
10:11 Innosilicon A9++ Zcash miner specs & profits
12:07 Innosilicon MOQ minimum order quantity
12:36 Innosilicon A9++ in stock for sale @ Inno
13:00 Innosilicon A9++ final price delivered in BTC & USD
13:33 Zcash mining profitability, network hashrate, difficulty
15:37 Should you buy a used equihash ASIC miner (z9/mini)
16:15 Antminer Z9 mini mining profitability 2019 review
16:47 Final verdict on Should You Buy Antminer Z11 vs Innosilicon A9++ Zcash ZEC equihash ASIC miner OR buy used ZEC ASICs
ASIC Miner Co review – https://youtu.be/HEGkMAid6WI
Antminer Z11 May batch – http://voskco.in/Z11bm
Innosilicon A9++ May batch – http://voskco.in/A9pp
Zcash ZEC CoinMarketCap – http://voskco.in/CMCzec
Zcash network hashrate & diff – http://voskco.in/ZEChash
Mining Rig Parts IN STOCK on Amazon – http://geni.us/WQd7cCs
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#Zcash #Mining #VoskCoin #ZEC #Antminer
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