S. Korea’s biggest bank enters the cryptocurrency custody race. Tezos hires a Blockchain expert from PwC. Ripple opens an office in Brazil. Crypto Compare’s exchange rankings are better than Bitwise’s and 75% of EOS’s transactions are facilitated by bots.
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Articles Covered:
Korea’s Largest Bank KB Kookmin Enters the Digital Asset Custody Race: https://ethereumworldnews.com/koreas-largest-bank-kb-kookmin-enters-the-digital-asset-custody-race/
Tezos Foundation Snags Former PwC Blockchain Expert As CFO: https://www.coindesk.com/tezos-foundation-snags-former-pwc-blockchain-expert-as-cfo
Ripple XRP Opens Office in Brazil to Dominate Crypto Remittance: https://ethereumworldnews.com/ripple-xrp-brazil-crypto-remittance-2019/
Crypto Compare Launches Benchmark Rankings for Exchanges: https://www.coindesk.com/cryptocompare-launches-benchmark-rankings-for-cryptocurrency-exchanges
Crypto Compare Benchmark: https://www.cryptocompare.com/external/research/exchange-ranking/
Report: 75% of EOS Transactions Churned By Bots: https://ethereumworldnews.com/report-75-of-eos-transactions-churned-by-bots/
AnChain Report: https://app.box.com/s/t2udd1kdibddsl87u76mwnuydv5xmwwu/file/462065046126
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I am a not a Financial Adviser & This is NOT financial advice. This is just my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make. I may or may not hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.
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