Windows IoT #3: Building C# Drivers, sensors & Nuget Packages using VS (Getting Started Series)

Windows IoT #3: Building C# Drivers, sensors & Nuget Packages using VS (Getting Started Series)

In the third episode of this series, Dmitry and Suz introduce a smart home device prototype designed to integrate several devices and Azure services together. This smart home device makes use of a proximity sensor, temperature sensor, webcam, and a small HDMI screen. The Azure services the device connects to are Azure IoT Hub and the Face API offering from Microsoft Cognitive Services.

There are a number of ways to interface with devices and sensors on the Raspberry Pi using Windows IoT Core. Dmitry and Suz will talk about three: Built-in UWP APIs, Nuget packages and manually writing drivers directly in C#.


1. Smart Home Device source code on Github
2. BME280 sensor Nuget package on Github
3. Capturing webcam images using the MediaCapture class
4. Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API

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