On Monday, October 22, 2018, from 6:00 to 7:00 EST, a special livestream crypto conversation with George Tung from the CryptosRUs YouTube channel and Jesse Lund from IBM Blockchain. George and Jesse will be answering questions from the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit. Jesse will be live from Sibos, one of the world’s premier financial services events, in Sydney, Australia. The discussion will be about this year’s theme, “Enabling the digital economy.”
Post your questions for Jesse here on r/CryptoCurrency.
Keep in touch with Jesse Lund: https://twitter.com/jesselund
What Jesse has been working on: https://ibm.co/2OY9E7T
Learn more about IBM Blockchain: https://twitter.com/IBMBlockchain
Tune in 10:30 am CST every day to learn about Bitcoin, Altcoins and Crypto market news.
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