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Intro 00:00
6 hour view of what is happening 00:30
Must understand this Bitcoin & ETH chart to understand Cardano 1:00
Cardano price hit our resistance target 4:30
ADA dip leading into our price dip targets 5:30
Getting used to fear and buying dips 7:30
Daily and weekly ada charts tell the story 9:00
Cardano less over-extended (good thing) 11:00
Could this cardano dip capitulate to ridiculous lows? 11:30
Cardano dips happen, as do Bitcoin dips, and every other cryptocurrency. The key is to understand why the ada dip is happening. Because from that point, after you understand why, you are able to have a gameplan on how to approached these crypto markets. Cardano price is down around 25% since its all time high not long ago, and there is a good explanation for ada to be doing this in the current bull market. Visiting BTC and Ethereum chgarts will allow us to get a really good idea of why cardano price is falling right now.
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Crypto Capital Venture Cycles of Bitcoin – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BLX/IzGnRABO-The-Cycles-Of-Bitcoin-Speculative
? *The above video references an opinion and is for information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice. This video contains my opinion only and is not meant to cause harm or defame anyone or any entity.
Please understand that cryptocurrency trading and investing is risky. I am not offering advice on how you should trade or invest in cryptocurrency. This channel is reserved for me to track my own journey and document my opinions along the way.
This is not an offer to sell or buy securities.
Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price price moves very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out.
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