Episode 4: On this episode of Token Tank, we invite Rong Chen, project founder, planner, and chairman of the Elastos Foundation to discuss the need for a decentralized internet and how Elastos plans to execute their delivery via merge mining, hardware devices, and alternatives to traditional TCP/IP architecture.
What are your thoughts on Elastos? Please leave your comments below!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elastos_org
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Elastos/
Telegram: https://t.me/elastos_org
Website: https://www.elastos.org/en/
Our panelists for this episode of Token Tank include:
Brad | Blockchain Brad
Alex | Crypto Candor
K-Dub | Crypto Zombie
TOKEN TANK is a show that invites top tier blockchain and crypto startups to pitch their project to an assortment of blockchain/crypto panelists ranging from backgrounds in media, VC, engineering, and more. The focus of the show is to provide high quality, objective reporting, exposure, and information about the featured project to encourage viewers of the show to conduct their own due diligence and form their own conclusions about the invited project.
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Disclosure: This is an unpaid review for a project that was deemed worthy of research time, recording and posting for educational purposes.
Furthermore, I currently hold some ELA
BINANCE https://www.binance.com/?ref=10192350
KUCOIN https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=18a8f
HUOBI https://www.huobi.br.com/en-us/topic/invited/?invite_code=b5u43
LEDGER NANO S https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/6877
TREZOR https://shop.trezor.io?a=Aw902Rsted
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Caleb & Brown is here to help. https://partners.calebandbrown.com/cryptolark
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Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money.
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Custom intro and tunes created by The Maker’s Initiative – Auckland, NZ
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