In today’s episode Coin Bloq will review the HoloChain, Cardano, Tron, Dash, NULS and Aelf cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, blockchain, and altcoin investing offers new crypto entrants a high risk, high reward strategy that has the potential to net them untold riches or mire them in loss and despair. The savvy cryptocurrency investor looks for undervalued altcoins, and crypto projects that have a greater ROI relative to more established rivals such as Bitcoin, Litecoin or Ripple. Coin Bloq will consider the merits and potential obstacles of altcoin investing and asks whether the markets they seek to serve are non-existent or over-saturated.
Crypto investing is littered with new and exotic sounding terms – tokenize this, blockchain that, etc. No wonder new investors gasp in desperation as they try to understand the incomprehensible! Each week, Coin Bloq looks at six competing cryptocurrency projects and asks whether they actually solve a problem, whilst comparing them to previous crypto projects. Supply and demand, basic economics and a sound understanding of market psychology are all taken into account and investigated by Coin Bloq.
Video Content:
00:03 Introduction
01:46 Aelf
04:23 NULS
06:12 HoloChain
08:43 Dash
12:09 Tron
14:09 Cardano
20:42 Conclusion: Cryptocurrency Niches & Market Conditions
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Dash (DASH) https://www.dash.org/
Cardano (ADA) https://www.cardano.org/en/home/
HoloChain (HOT) https://holochain.org/
Tron (TRX) https://tron.network/index?lng=en
Aelf (ELF) https://aelf.io/
Nuls (NULS) https://nuls.io/
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